User guide

Booking goods-in with a purchase order

Goods-in can be booked in with a purchase order.
If you also use module Purchase order, this method is highly recommended.
Booking goods-in through module Purchase Order
-> Start -> Purchase orders
When you are working in a purchase order and you want to make a goods-in immediately, you can receive the complete purchase order via the left side “Purchase order maintenance tasks”
Please note that this is possible only for purchase orders that you want to receive completely.
Choose a name which is logical to you. With the bookmark, you are able to track back a received products action quickly.
Now a green line appears stating that the purchase order row has been marked as received. The amount depends on the number of rows in the purchase order.
The status of the purchase order has been changed to “Closed”
When we look on tab “Rows” we see that the row is received. The column, “Total received” has been changed from 0.00 to 24.00 pcs.
When you double click on the purchase order row, on tab “Received products” you can see the details.
The stock amount of this product has been increased with 24 pcs.
Now we need to finish the bookmark / goods-in.
Start -> Received Products -> Received products
Use the search screen to find the correct bookmark.
Select the correct bookmark.
Use the “edit” sign on the left corner to change the status of the bookmark.
Change the status from “New” to “Closed”
Click on the “Save” sign in the left corner.
Now the bookmark/goods in has been closed. For everyone it is clear that the bookmark has been finished. Sometimes the bookmark keeps status “New”, because you are still in contact with the supplier about the delivery or something in the received products needs to be sorted out. It is necessary to change the status of the received products. When you are looking for a bookmark you are only working with the “Open” received products, so it will be easier to find the bookmark you are looking for.
Booking goods-in through the menu in module received products
-> Start -> Received products -> Received products
In this screen you see the products from the purchase order that are not received yet.
With the "plus" icon on the right side of the product row you can add the products from the purchase order to "received products".
The packinglist amount and the warehousecount amount (= amount of products which were delivered) are already filled with the amounts of the purchase order.
When the amount is correct, just click on the "Save" icon.
You see that the row has been moved from "Open purchaseorder rows" to "Received products"
From product 1017427 we only have received 8 instead of 10. So the amount we receive is not the same amount as in the purchase order.
You see that the row still exists in "Open purchaseorder rows". In column "Total received" you see the amount of 8 which you can see below in "Received products".
When you have made a mistake, you can easily double click on the row in "Received products" and change the amount by using the "Edit" icon.
It is still possible to add more items to this bookmark / goods-in.
Once completed with booking a supplier/delivery in you would need to do the following to complete this bookmark & process the items to stock.
On tab 'General' we need to change the status of this bookmark / goods-in to 'Closed'.  Use the 'edit' icon to change this status.
Use the 'Save' icon to save the status change.
Because not all products of the purchase order have been booked-in, this screen appears:
Now you can close the purchase order when there will be no backorder and the products will be ordered again in a new purchase order. It is important to close the purchase orders with respect to backorders, future stock and the correct mapping of received items to the purchase order.
When all products of the purchase order have been booked-in, the purchase order will be closed automatically.
When you look in the purchase order, you will see that the purchase order has the status "Closed".
 In the purchase order rows (Tab "Rows") you will see the received amount.
As a test, just to double check if this went fine, go to product maintenance and look-up one of the products you have received/booked in.
Within the product card, select "Product statistics".
After that select the "Stock modification" tab.
You should see a "ReceivedProducts" line here with the changes you have made (the receiving goods).