User guide

Reopen closed purchase orders

This article describes how to reopen closed purchase orders
Reopen the purchase order through the purchase order
We can look up the specific purchase order via Start -> Purchase orders -> Purchase order maintenance
Depending on your indivudal setup one of the following will occur:
Make sure "Status" field is set to "Closed" and "Open only" field is set to "No", to be able to find the closed purchase order.
When you have selected the specific purchase order, click on 'Reopen closed purchaseorder' on the left side of the screen.
Click on "Reopen the selected purchaseorder"
The purchase order has changed to status "Final"
Close the purchase order through the menu
In the menu there is also an option to reopen the closed purchaseorder.
Start -> Purchase orders -> Reopen closed purchaseorders
Here you can look up the specific purchase order or fill in the purchase order number in the empty field. Click on "Reopen the selected purchase order"