User guide

RetailVista POS

RetailVista Point Of Sale (POS)
Since 1993/1994 NedFox has been serving customers of our ePOS solutions.
For us the credo was (and still is): downtime isn't an option !
And that's true. A retailer should always be able to serve his/her customers.
We can proudly say we almost never have major issues at one of the tills throughout Europe (at the moment > 2,000 active tills).
The reason how we achieved this ? Make your till a hybrid till. It does save a local copy of all data. If an internet connection goes down, the till will continue to operate, the retailer will be able to keep serving his customers.
Our question to you would be: The till will be able to continue operating, but what about your chip & pin during these connection break-downs ?
We have the solution for you. Contact us and we will assist you with it.