User guide

Update 2021 - 10

Below you will find a list of changes made in RetailVista.
Besides the list below a ton of bugfixes has been made and improvements on the speed and other things in RetailVista are created.
If you have questions about the below, please sent an e-mail to Dave or Martin.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Importing of collections is now possible via Import Excel in Exchange. In the column 'mapping' there is an additional block for the collection fields. These fields only become available if 'import purchase information ' is selected.
(Version 21.12.7811.30448) - Relation management - The customer e-mail address is now clickable in relation management. When selecting the e-mail address the default e-mail client installed on the pc will be started & a new e-mail is started with the mail address of the client.
Product Maintenance:
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Searching of collections is now available. 
The searching can be performed on the collection barcode or on the collection identification barcode.
In the product search screen it is now possible to search on these two barcodes. 
Respectively these are the 'product barcodes' of a product existing in this collection, or , on the barcode of the collection itself.
Delivery administration:
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Delivery administration dashboard
The last part of the delivery administration is the delivery scheduling dashboard.
Herewith a schedule can be made easily. One side contain the available deliveries to be made, on the other side the available transport types (van1, van2 etc.).
The dashboard allows you control this scheduling and make the scheduling more visible.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Payments within a weborder transaction can now be 'empty'. 
From now on it is possible to leave the 'payment' field in the EDI  message empty. The EDI message is for instance the message from a webshop order injected into RetailVista.
This used to always have a valid payment type.
From now on this can be empty - whereafter the order will be processed in the till on fulfillment. At that moment another paymenttype needs to be selected (for instance on account or customer not present).
Exchange Excel import:
(Version 21.15.7936.24399)  - Make source-protection for excel files visible before importing the Excel file into Exchange.
Within the Import Excel screen in Exchange from now on source protection will be displayed in the screen.
Source protection can be enabled to make sure certain fields aren't overwritten by import Excel. For instance when importing a new supplier file of a supplier - where you can block for instance the changing of the description fields of a product.
Purchase orders:
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Closing of purchase orders changes
If the function 'close purchase order' is requested from within a specific purchase order, then from now on this specific purchase order is preselected.
Previously / in the old situation, it could happen that the manual selection of this purchase order was forgotten. This could have resulted in closing of all outstanding/open purchase orders.
This has been fixed.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Quotes
A change has been made on the quotes system. When a quote is transferred into a sales order, previously a delivery address was mandatory.
If the sales order (or quote) has been filled in with classification 'pick up by customer', the address field isn't mandatory anymore.
If it has been filled with 'delivery', then the address remains mandatory.
(Version 21.14.7853.27920) - Report allocated stock
From this version it is possible to generate a report with the allocated stock.
Relation Management:
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Relation export must be disabled for users
From now on it's possible to disable this function for employees if they don't have rights to make use of the relation export functionality.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Courier shipping labels.
RetailVista has been enhanced with a method to print courier shipping labels.
This hasn't been tested with an UK or Irish supplier yet, but will be done shortly.
If you have a large volume of web-orders this module will allow you to print your courier shipping labels directly from RetailVista.
Saving you time on writing these labels manually, or typing them in manually at the program of your courier.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Order picking (RetailVista Mobile X)
On a reservation line of a sales order you can now assign which lines don't need to be picked via order picking i.e. shipping costs etc.)
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) - Display order picking instructions in the 'reservations details tab'.
Within the reservations maintenance screen there is now an additional tab available where the order picking-rules are displayed of this reservation.
This provides a good insight in the progress of the picking of goods with RetailVista Mobile X.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) – Have the ability in the ‘reservations’ screen to filter.
From this version on it is possible to filter on ‘order is fully picked’ yes/no.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) – Display tooltip message with the ‘post picking location’
(i.e. the location where the box/crate with products will be placed for the just picked reservation/order (pre-shipping)
This tooltip is now available in the reservation screen. This way it is easily to see on which place a picked reservation can be found.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) – Country code from WICS in reservation parcel.
From this version a WICS shipping notification message will also provide the country code. This way a correct track and trace code can be created to receive information from the courier.
Sales orders:
(Version 21.14.7853.27920) – Transport type: make it possible to provide if an order is delivery or pick-up.
For future changes in RetailVista on sales orders there is a need to be able to provide the transport type (pick-up or delivery).
In the future RetailVista will use these parameters to check certain fields in the sales order classifications based on pick-up or delivery.
NOTE: We advise to complete these fields after the update has been placed (fields in : “sales order classification types”)
(Version 21.13.7836.28381) – In the prepayment-request-screen make it possible to search on text in the ‘remark’ field.
In the screen prepayments-maintenance-screen the search has been build-in on the remarks field. The advantage of this change is that it will be easier to look back payments via the bank.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) – Re-opening of sales orders should be possible even if a user hasn’t got the complete user rights to re-open a sales order.
From this version it is possible to re-open an already closed sales order – even if you don’t have the right to do that within user rights.
Restriction is though, that no reservations are assigned to the sales order or that any existing reservations have the status ‘new’.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) – Make it possible to set user rights on closing of sales orders.
A new user-right has been built-in in authorisation so that a user can have, or can’t have, the ability to close a sales order.
This routine is called ‘sales order closure’.
(Version 21.13.7836.28381) – Changed user-friendlyness in the maintenance of an address in sales orders.
Especially around changing or refreshing of changed data (ie. Addresses).
(Version 21.13.7836.28381) – Option to use a product list to get products OUT of the webshop.
A product list could be used to place products in the webshop. This function has been modified. Now you can choose if you want to ADD or DELETE these products from the webshop.
This will allow bulk-removal of products from the webshop.
(Version 21.15.7936.24399) – VAT-free webshop deliveries
In the webshop-xml message the option has been built-in to assign a weborder as a ‘vat-free’ order.